“3 Simple Hacks Anyone Can Use To Pass-The-PANCE Test And Go To Over $87,000.00 In Physician Assistant Salary Right Now”…
Written by

and team of 11 former test
takers who passed.
After years in school, tuition costs and time invested in this career, you can’t afford to fail. Discover a fast, easy, step-by-step 'success system' 4,317 test takers used to achieve a passing score on the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam now.
You know, this is the most important exam in your life. The consequences of failure are financially brutal and emotionally devastating.
A lot of PANCE test takers asked me for help, so I had to do something.
You probably heard people say: “I used several well-known PANCE study guides from Amazon, Barnes and Noble”…
Sad Fact: Over 3,537 people fail the PANCE test each year. They're forced to postpone 'living their passion' in this field.
They lose $5,000, $21,000, $53,000 (or more) in income by delaying their career. -That's money they can't afford to lose…and will never get back.
5 years ago I decided to solve the problems created by books sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
My team and I created a “PANCE Cheat-Sheet' that's as legally and ethically close to the 'real exam' as possible…
…So you stop risking your 'dream career.'
“Your PANCE practice tests gave me the ‘heads-up’ in my weak areas. Your preparation materials reflected content and types of questions I saw on the real exam.”
“My friends got the typical ‘big name’ prep books. They ‘went through the standard motions’ to prepare. (Many of them failed.) You gave me a recipe to follow which helped me study only what's known to appear on this test.”
-Dave Johnson
“I didn't have to go back and read thousands of pages in study guides that just duplicated textbooks I bought/read in school.”
“Your success formula helped me 'out think' the traps on an exam where almost anything is ‘fair game.' Your PANCE practice questions helped me pass.”
-Sandy Barnes
“I found your PANCE sample questions fresh and updated. I’m glad someone can make new updates for exam changes!”
“I never thought these practice tests for the PANCE would help my horrible test anxiety and improve my testing performance. Once I got into real prep I found there are a lot of things that nobody else has the knowledge or experience to tell you. So your Test Coaching and consulting did help me get ‘squared away’ on what content to focus-on. I was able to get a passing score without having to take this exam over and over again.”
“Where else am I going to get help by former test takers – a book?”
-Nick Ugette
“Each time I took this exam I seemed to be moving further and further away from getting a passing score. Before I used your preparation materials, I missed a passing by a lot of points. The full answer explanations in the answer key are better than a traditional PANCE study guide. Therefore, your PANCE practice test questions served as a helpful tutorial to learn exam content. It broke down the content so I could learn it quickly in a fun and interactive way. I got the bona-fide test content for my exam, I passed 3 weeks later.”
-Alice Faye Toler
“This is my calling. My biggest barrier to getting a passing score was being a bad test taker.”
“At first, I didn’t believe your test prep materials were for me. I thought I needed a ‘study guide’ not ‘PANCE practice tests.’ On the surface I didn’t see how practice questions would help me much. However, it wasn’t long before I realized ‘active learning’ with PANCE practice exam questions would help me learn the content faster. Plus, improve my ability to take the test better than just reading study guides.”
“I’m more of a ‘do-it-yourselfer.’ I didn’t think the Test Coaching was going to help me. However, critical prep questions about the test content came up. I decided to try your exam mentoring. ALL my questions got answered promptly and to high quality standards. I believe this positively impacted my score some weeks later. I wanted to make a real plan vs. just winging it which your Test Coaching service really helped me do.”
-Mrs. Julie F. Magday
“I want to help people live better. I also needed to create a better future for myself. I graduated 2 years ago and was getting very frustrated with the test because I failed it 5 times. I almost gave up on my dream career.”
“Every PANCE study guide I bought took my preparation in the wrong direction. None accurately reflected the real test (what I finally figured-out after failing).”
“Your practice tests for the PANCE helped me narrow-down all the bewildering test content. I was able to focus studying only on what the real test covers. Thanks for helping me finally pass the PANCE exam.”
-Kellie Brown Grider
“I moved from job to job and finally have settled on this career. My reason to succeed on the test is for 3 purposes: 1.) I really want a ‘career’ not a job, 2.) it’s important to find something you really like to do and make a difference) and 3.) I needed to do well on this test to reach my goals in life.”
“I’ve always been a bad test taker. I also take exams slow and have trouble answering all questions before time runs out. Your PANCE practice tests and study guide helped improve my exam performance. I reduced my test anxiety and learned to better pace myself.”
“Since your program taught me the genuine test content, it helped speed me up. You, see, I stopped mulling over test questions and answers for so long because I knew the answers!”
-Sonya Shearer
You’ll agree, if you don't pass the PANCE, you lost may have lost your 'dream career' and hundreds of thousands of dollars in income.
You’re launching a career that gives you everything you need to be happy, secure and successful in life.
This test is the ONLY obstacle standing in your way.
So, it could easily be worth $5,000 or more to pass the PANCE.
You ONLY have to invest 6 hours and 20 minutes using these ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests to crank-up your score to passing-level.
I realize many test takers are on a tight budget. And failing this exam will cause an even deeper financial problem. Therefore, I temporarily reduced the normal price of $105.00 to $57 (for a limited time).
That’s a ridiculously cheap investment of time and money when you consider the alternative:
The brutal cost of PANCE test failure and being forced to postpone your career. That is, destroying exciting plans you have right now, plus losing tens of thousands of dollars in income.
Are you still waiting to take action?
‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests have helped so many people that I’m betting it'll work for you too…
…All I ask is that you give it a fair chance.
Put these 'exclusive' PANCE practice questions to the test. Use the 'test-teaching' lessons to pass the PANCE and make your 'dream-life' a reality. All the risk is on me!
No weasel clauses or hidden meanings here.
If you’re not happy then neither are we. If you’re not completely satisfied or don’t get a passing score just contact customer service and I by email. My friendly staff and I will cheerfully return your money and we’ll still be friends. That’s it.
But wait…there’s more.

“Get The Edge
(a $39.95 value)

“PANCE® Peak Performance Test Taking Strategies”
(a $27.95 value)

“Forbidden Psychological
PANCE® Test Taking Tactics”
(a $29.95 value)

“PANCE® 'Fast Start' Guide”
(a $27.95 value)
“Secrets To Get Your First
Or A Better Physician Assistant
Position At The Highest
Salary In 30 Days”
100% updated for this year!
(a $49.95 value)
Don’t want to ‘miss the boat’ on the most rewarding positions at the highest salary? – That would cost you dearly.
Discover mostly ‘undisclosed’ career opportunities in this field that pay up to 2-3 times the average starting salary. (NOTE: These exciting positions are available even if you're just entering this career and don't have any experience!)
You know there’s a lot of competition for the most lucrative and interesting jobs in this field. Don’t drag yourself through the ringer with endless applications and stressful interviews only to wonder why you're getting rejected over and over…

“My Competitor Friend's
PANCE® Study Guide”
as seen on another website
included for FREE!
(a $39.95 value)
Yes, through a special agreement I'm also giving you my competitor's PANCE practice test and prep book…But, I'm not permitted to say which competitor friend. You'll see it yourself when you get it now.

“FREE 7 Days Of
PANCE® Test Coaching, Tutoring
And Mentoring”
(a $44.67 per hour value)
Unlike commonly-used PANCE study guides on the market, I don’t believe in giving my practice exams then leave you to fend for yourself.
Please Note: All FREE Bonus Gifts Will Be Removed From This Site Without Notice. (Hurry, If You Want This.)
The ball is in your court now.
Still want paper? Just print your ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Test and full answer explanation tutorial from your computer.
WARNING: Stir clear of major PANCE book providers who sell paper study guides. (Those PANCE study guides are 1-4 years out of date.)
If you have to start over from scratch, begin weeks/months of test preparation again due to failure, you’ll never get that time back…
…It’s lost forever.
P.S. You saw this is NOT “just a PANCE practice test,” not just a tutor or another study guide.
These 'eye-opening,' FULL answer explanations “teach-you-the-test” content (like a PANCE study guide). However, this tool is 2-5 times more effective in helping you get a passing score.
You get 'mouthwatering' exam familiarity. This tool rapidly builds the EXACT test taking skills you need to pass-the-PANCE!
Take the first step…I’ll help you do the rest.
P.P.S. 100% Money Back Guarantee
That’s right. Take advantage of this generous, risk-FREE 100% Money Back Guarantee (before this offer expires).
It won’t cost you anything if it doesn’t help you pass the PANCE exam. -Your only risk is if you don’t try this.
P.P.P.S. You know, NOT passing can seriously delay (or even destroy) the career you worked so hard to achieve.
Waiting until the “right time” to get preparation materials is the ‘silent ticking time bomb’ that destroys your career.
ONLY a limited number of licenses are given to access ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests each month. This offer with a FULL week of FREE one-on-one PANCE consulting, tutoring and personal advice will slam shut WITHOUT notice.
Drill into the brains and experience of 4,317 PANCE test takers who came before you. You’ll see EXACTLY how others passed and leapfrogged into this exciting and rewarding career.
…On a “no-risk,” trial basis. -Decide later if this is for you!
Leverage this “repeatable test success system” to reach your highest professional and personal aspirations faster and easier below.
Sample the 'score-popping' PANCE practice tests (WITHOUT obligation) right now.
A lot of PANCE test takers asked me for help, so I had to do something.
You probably heard people say: “I used several well-known PANCE study guides from Amazon, Barnes and Noble”…
- “However, I still felt I had 'blind spots' in my preparation.”
- “When I took the exam the PANCE test questions didn't relate to anything in those books.”
- “I got 'blindsided' during the exam and failed.”
Sad Fact: Over 3,537 people fail the PANCE test each year. They're forced to postpone 'living their passion' in this field.
They lose $5,000, $21,000, $53,000 (or more) in income by delaying their career. -That's money they can't afford to lose…and will never get back.
The Problem With Most PANCE Study Guides…
- Face it. The PANCE exam is constantly changing. It gets updated several times per year…
…However, most PANCE books sold at Barnes and Noble and Amazon are out-of-date. - So called “New Editions” only consist of printing a new copyright date on the old book!
- They ignore huge changes made on this exam in recent months. (Changes that must be reflected in your PANCE study guides.)
- Most PANCE practice tests and books by 'big name' publishers don't cover the 'real exam.
-That's disastrous on test day. - Huge 500 page PANCE books are packed with filler material and fluff (that's not on the exam)…
…Studying the WRONG content is a serious risk to your career. - Those 500 page PANCE study guides are NOT user-friendly. They're 'mind-numbing' boring to read, frustrating to use and way more complex than necessary.
Why Many Fail The PANCE And Delay Their Career…
- Those PANCE study guides don't give you any focus. It just paralyzes and demoralizes effective test preparation…
…NOT exactly the most direct route from where you are now to a passing score. - They have 'over-simplistic' PANCE practice test questions and “oh so easy” study material that mislead you into a 'false sense of security.'
- You see, PANCE book publishers at Barnes and Noble and Amazon also sell thousands of other titles from SAT prep to cookbooks and romance novels.
- They just don't specialize in the PANCE exam.
- They don't have a full-time, dedicated staff to write their PANCE practice tests and study guides (for this test or any other they sell).
- One day the corporate writer may be working on a cookbook or romance novel. The next day writing the PANCE book from which your entire future
- Almost all name brand PANCE study guides use an important sounding PH.D. or expert as the author to impress and sell more books.
- Sadly, most/all the authorship is by ghostwriters who never took a course in this field….
Why Former Test Takers To Help You Pass-The-PANCE Test?
You see, my team consists of 11 former PANCE test takers. Most are test prep professionals in private practice. I (Mark Dahlson) am a former college instructor and test prep consultant to universities.5 years ago I decided to solve the problems created by books sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
My team and I created a “PANCE Cheat-Sheet' that's as legally and ethically close to the 'real exam' as possible…
…So you stop risking your 'dream career.'
Others Learned The PANCE The Hard-Way…(But You Don’t Have To!)
- You don't have to risk your career studying for the most important exam in your life in 'trial and error' test prep.
- You don’t have to 'break your brain' figuring-out how to pass-the-PANCE in a maze of confusion and hair-yanking frustration.
- You don't have to experience the humiliation of PANCE failure and shame facing friends and family.
- You don't have to give-up the 'dream career' you worked so hard to achieve.
- You don't have to delay your career and lose thousands of dollars in income (you need).
It’s A Shame NOT To Pass-The-PANCE When Our Test Takers Do It So Easily…
- You see, we worked closely with over 4,317 PANCE test takers over the last 5 years.
- We took these case studies and documented what guarantees you pass-the-PANCE (predictably over and over).
- We injected these SECRETS into our PANCE practice tests…
…So you get EXACTLY what’ll turbo-boost your score to passing-level fastest and easiest. - These ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE practice tests (and FULL answer explanations) actually teach-you-the-exam!
- This program already helped over 4,317 pass-the-PANCE test.
- Each week we update this proprietary 'test success system'…
What My Previous Clients Say…
“Showed Me Where I Was My Weak And Got Me A Passing PANCE Score”

“My friends got the typical ‘big name’ prep books. They ‘went through the standard motions’ to prepare. (Many of them failed.) You gave me a recipe to follow which helped me study only what's known to appear on this test.”
-Dave Johnson
“This PANCE Practice Test Gave Me Confidence And Testing Competence”

“Your success formula helped me 'out think' the traps on an exam where almost anything is ‘fair game.' Your PANCE practice questions helped me pass.”
-Sandy Barnes
“Helped My Test Anxiety”

“I never thought these practice tests for the PANCE would help my horrible test anxiety and improve my testing performance. Once I got into real prep I found there are a lot of things that nobody else has the knowledge or experience to tell you. So your Test Coaching and consulting did help me get ‘squared away’ on what content to focus-on. I was able to get a passing score without having to take this exam over and over again.”
“Where else am I going to get help by former test takers – a book?”
-Nick Ugette
“I Was Running-Out Of Time”

-Alice Faye Toler
“I Didn’t Think This PANCE Test Practice Was For Me”

“At first, I didn’t believe your test prep materials were for me. I thought I needed a ‘study guide’ not ‘PANCE practice tests.’ On the surface I didn’t see how practice questions would help me much. However, it wasn’t long before I realized ‘active learning’ with PANCE practice exam questions would help me learn the content faster. Plus, improve my ability to take the test better than just reading study guides.”
“I’m more of a ‘do-it-yourselfer.’ I didn’t think the Test Coaching was going to help me. However, critical prep questions about the test content came up. I decided to try your exam mentoring. ALL my questions got answered promptly and to high quality standards. I believe this positively impacted my score some weeks later. I wanted to make a real plan vs. just winging it which your Test Coaching service really helped me do.”
-Mrs. Julie F. Magday
“I Wasn’t Sure What Content To Focus On In My PANCE Prep”

“Every PANCE study guide I bought took my preparation in the wrong direction. None accurately reflected the real test (what I finally figured-out after failing).”
“Your practice tests for the PANCE helped me narrow-down all the bewildering test content. I was able to focus studying only on what the real test covers. Thanks for helping me finally pass the PANCE exam.”
-Kellie Brown Grider
“Your PANCE Study Material Was Similar To The Test”

“I’ve always been a bad test taker. I also take exams slow and have trouble answering all questions before time runs out. Your PANCE practice tests and study guide helped improve my exam performance. I reduced my test anxiety and learned to better pace myself.”
“Since your program taught me the genuine test content, it helped speed me up. You, see, I stopped mulling over test questions and answers for so long because I knew the answers!”
-Sonya Shearer
How ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests Make You Pass Faster And Easier…
You learn the exam content and competencies
in the same medium it’ll be tested. (PANCE exam questions!)- Get dramatically better at taking the PANCE (NOT reading more books).
- Real PANCE practice (taking this exam) EXPLODES your score to passing-level much quicker than anything else.
-Even if you’ve always been a bad test taker! - Rapidly absorb real PANCE test content ‘like a sponge.’
- ‘Hands on’ learning (with PANCE practice tests) ‘nails-the-test-material-to-your-brain’ WITHOUT effort.
- ‘Active learning’ with PANCE practice questions and FULL answer explanations helps master all content 2-5 times quicker.
- You actually retain the test info much longer in your brain (until your exam day).
- Interactive PANCE practice tests dramatically ramps-up your ability to retrieve the information (you studied) during your exam!…
…So you increase your amount of correct answers. - NOT “just PANCE practice tests”
- The full answer explanations are a 'complete' PANCE study guide
(to master all the material). - You discover why correct answers are right/why incorrect answers are wrong.
-This style of PANCE study guide is tremendously more effective than anything else! - ‘Quick and easy’ lessons reveal the entire theory, facts and/or best practice behind each correct answer.
- Tutorials in the answer key give clear rationales why the incorrect answers are wrong…
…So you know the required content knowledge 'inside and out.' - You easily tackle similar test questions on the actual exam. (Even if they’re angled a different way on testing day!)
- See the format, structure, wording and types of PANCE questions you'll face
(with 100% crystal-clarity).
-Obviously, the testing center is the WRONG place to get acquainted with tricky wording/structure of REAL questions for the first time! - Break test anxiety BEFORE it kills your career…
…Taking PANCE practice questions over and over in simulated testing conditions crushes text anxiety. -It reconditions your nervous system. - You stop 'blanking-out' during the exam.
You know, when you're familiar with the EXACT content, types of questions and structure of answer choices…Panic and mental blocks are thing of the past! - Use your ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE practice tests as an assessment tool to reveal your current test score.
- Use this 'jaw dropping' information to pinpoint your weak areas.
- Finally, rip-off your blinders
…Beef-up your low areas (while you still have time).
- Guarantee you ‘plug-all-the-leaks’
(mistakes you don’t know you’re making) BEFORE your exam day.
- Crank-up your ability to apply your knowledge to REAL test questions…
…That is, the EXACT skill you need to practice in order to pass-the-PANCE test!
What Else Do You Get?…
You stop preparing for the most important exam of
your life by ‘trial and error.’- End guessing the types of questions you face.
-The consequences of failure isn't worth it. - Stop 'flying blind' in your PANCE test prep.
You see, no matter how long/hard you prepare, if you study the wrong material (that’s NOT on your exam), it's game over. - You get a ‘sneak peek’ BEFORE walking into the exam for an 'instant unfair' advantage.
- Gain a ‘laser beam-like’ FOCUS (ONLY on what’s tested).
- Your PANCE practice tests are hyper-focused only on what you need to pass (with sniper-like accuracy).
- Save massive test prep time:
-All the time-wasting, long winded jibber-jabber, “throat-clearing” info has been removed from this program.
-“Filler content” and fluff (that's NOT on the actual exam) was axed from this PANCE practice test. - NOT ANOTHER 500-page PANCE book that’s a ‘brain dump’ of overwhelming, generic academic info.…
…Who has time to read all that? - End studying for days for the just the chance of covering an actual exam question!
- You get ONLY the framework the official site clearly outlines is tested (with razor-sharp precision)…
Even More Benefits?…
Even if you failed 1-3 times: ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE practice tests help you go from shame, humiliation and career setbacks to passing the PANCE quickly.
- How to reset your 'internal failing mechanism' before it’s too late. (That is, invisible barriers blocking you from a passing score.)
-Don’t miss this one! - Dramatically speeds-up slower test takers like a ‘cattle prod…So they learn to pace themselves, answer questions correctly and finish the exam before time runs-out.
- Poor test takers explode their ability/skill in taking this exam. (Finally break through this obstacle to living your passion.)
- SAVE Money 1: This is a “one stop shop” for all your PANCE prep needs. Everything you need to succeed on this test is right here. You shouldn't need to buy more books or take prep classes.
- SAVE Money 2: Because you pass the first-time, NOT lose hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars failing…like cheaper, mass produced PANCE study guide books.
-You ONLY pay for this program if it helps you pass-the-PANCE test! –If not, you get a 100% Money Back Refund. - 100% Updated Each Week!
-Therefore, you're GUARANTEED to get the most 'up-to-date' PANCE practice tests and study guides currently available on the market…

What’s Your 'Dream Career' Worth To You?…
You’ll agree, if you don't pass the PANCE, you lost may have lost your 'dream career' and hundreds of thousands of dollars in income.
You’re launching a career that gives you everything you need to be happy, secure and successful in life.
This test is the ONLY obstacle standing in your way.
So, it could easily be worth $5,000 or more to pass the PANCE.
The Most 'Life-Ruining' Cost Is Working At A Job You Hate For The Rest Of Your Life
You ONLY have to invest 6 hours and 20 minutes using these ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests to crank-up your score to passing-level.
I realize many test takers are on a tight budget. And failing this exam will cause an even deeper financial problem. Therefore, I temporarily reduced the normal price of $105.00 to $57 (for a limited time).
That’s a ridiculously cheap investment of time and money when you consider the alternative:
The brutal cost of PANCE test failure and being forced to postpone your career. That is, destroying exciting plans you have right now, plus losing tens of thousands of dollars in income.
Are you still waiting to take action?
My 100% Satisfaction And Pass-The-PANCE Test, 100% Money Back Guarantee!

‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests have helped so many people that I’m betting it'll work for you too…
…All I ask is that you give it a fair chance.
Put these 'exclusive' PANCE practice questions to the test. Use the 'test-teaching' lessons to pass the PANCE and make your 'dream-life' a reality. All the risk is on me!
No weasel clauses or hidden meanings here.
If you’re not happy then neither are we. If you’re not completely satisfied or don’t get a passing score just contact customer service and I by email. My friendly staff and I will cheerfully return your money and we’ll still be friends. That’s it.
But wait…there’s more.

“Get The Edge
(a $39.95 value)
- Leverage the power of your sub-conscious mind to conquer this exam in only 4 minutes per day.
- Cut free the sub-conscious bonds that hold you back from test success. How to break through test taking obstacles by exposing this test's vulnerable, soft underbelly.

“PANCE® Peak Performance Test Taking Strategies”
(a $27.95 value)
- Even if you failed the PANCE test 1-3 times and your confidence is in the gutter…A covert technique reveals how you can end the downward spiral right now.
- How to win in the psychological battle before walking into your exam.

“Forbidden Psychological
PANCE® Test Taking Tactics”
(a $29.95 value)
- No BS, not more generic, cookie-cutter test prep tips.
- Controversial tactics that expose 'how to rip through your exam like a test taking green beret.' – Use this as an insurance policy if everything goes wrong on your exam date.

“PANCE® 'Fast Start' Guide”
(a $27.95 value)
- An EXTREME PANCE 'make-over' for your instant turn-around.
- Cut your PANCE study time by at least 17% with a 'quick' and dirty' preparation strategy.
- Crank-up your score overnight. See this effortless test taking trick that helps you 'eye-ball' the correct multiple choice answer 83-97% of the time.

“Secrets To Get Your First
Or A Better Physician Assistant
Position At The Highest
Salary In 30 Days”
100% updated for this year!
(a $49.95 value)
Don’t want to ‘miss the boat’ on the most rewarding positions at the highest salary? – That would cost you dearly.
Discover mostly ‘undisclosed’ career opportunities in this field that pay up to 2-3 times the average starting salary. (NOTE: These exciting positions are available even if you're just entering this career and don't have any experience!)
You know there’s a lot of competition for the most lucrative and interesting jobs in this field. Don’t drag yourself through the ringer with endless applications and stressful interviews only to wonder why you're getting rejected over and over…
- Get private tips confessed by 7 leading managers who hire in this field.
- Revealed: How hundreds of applications are scrutinized and psycho-analyzed to choose which individual to hire.
- 'Untold' criteria decision makers use every time…
- The 'little thing' you need to put on your application so they can say, “Call this person for an interview!”
- Why you should write these EXACT words (in a brief note attached to your application) so they can say, “Hire-this-person now!”
- Get your hands on this before your competition does now.

“My Competitor Friend's
PANCE® Study Guide”
as seen on another website
included for FREE!
(a $39.95 value)
Yes, through a special agreement I'm also giving you my competitor's PANCE practice test and prep book…But, I'm not permitted to say which competitor friend. You'll see it yourself when you get it now.

“FREE 7 Days Of
PANCE® Test Coaching, Tutoring
And Mentoring”
(a $44.67 per hour value)
Unlike commonly-used PANCE study guides on the market, I don’t believe in giving my practice exams then leave you to fend for yourself.

- If you act right now, you get a FULL 7 days of FREE test prep tutoring, consulting and advice by former PANCE test takers and I. (Developers of these PANCE practice tests.)

- That’s up to 3 hours of one-on-one, personalized help absolutely free for 7 full days!
(a $137.00 value)
Please Note: All FREE Bonus Gifts Will Be Removed From This Site Without Notice. (Hurry, If You Want This.)
The ball is in your court now.
How To ‘Claim Your Copy’ So You Don’t Miss This:
Click on the orange button below for your test. Claim one of the very few licenses given each month for ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests.
- By acting now, you’ll get the FREE Bonus Gift: One FULL week of PANCE test prep consulting, advice and tutoring by the developers of your practice test and I. (a $137.00 value)
- Plus, an incredible 6 more FREE Bonus Gifts. (a $211.00 value)
- You get INSTANT online access to the quickest and simplest way to succeed on the PANCE exam. It’s all the CONFIDENTIAL, legal and ethical loopholes my team and I discovered in the last 5 years working with over 4,317 PANCE test takers.
- You IMMEDIATELY raise your confidence, ability to take your exam… and of course test score. (That’s within minutes of submitting your order!)
- No waiting days/a week for it to arrive by mail.
- No sales tax to pay.
- No shipping charges.
- You get 'lightning fast' score improvements and measurable progress toward your ultimate career goal within a few short minutes of signing up!
Still want paper? Just print your ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Test and full answer explanation tutorial from your computer.
WARNING: Stir clear of major PANCE book providers who sell paper study guides. (Those PANCE study guides are 1-4 years out of date.)
It’s Your Life!
If you have to start over from scratch, begin weeks/months of test preparation again due to failure, you’ll never get that time back…
…It’s lost forever.
You Need Much More Time To Prepare Than You Think. – So Take action.

P.S. You saw this is NOT “just a PANCE practice test,” not just a tutor or another study guide.
These 'eye-opening,' FULL answer explanations “teach-you-the-test” content (like a PANCE study guide). However, this tool is 2-5 times more effective in helping you get a passing score.
You get 'mouthwatering' exam familiarity. This tool rapidly builds the EXACT test taking skills you need to pass-the-PANCE!
Take the first step…I’ll help you do the rest.
P.P.S. 100% Money Back Guarantee
That’s right. Take advantage of this generous, risk-FREE 100% Money Back Guarantee (before this offer expires).
It won’t cost you anything if it doesn’t help you pass the PANCE exam. -Your only risk is if you don’t try this.
P.P.P.S. You know, NOT passing can seriously delay (or even destroy) the career you worked so hard to achieve.
Waiting until the “right time” to get preparation materials is the ‘silent ticking time bomb’ that destroys your career.
ONLY a limited number of licenses are given to access ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Tests each month. This offer with a FULL week of FREE one-on-one PANCE consulting, tutoring and personal advice will slam shut WITHOUT notice.
Please Note: If you found this sold-out when you tried ordering, please contact us to be on the waiting list for a future month.
Drill into the brains and experience of 4,317 PANCE test takers who came before you. You’ll see EXACTLY how others passed and leapfrogged into this exciting and rewarding career.
Just Try This:
While You're “Thinking About It”…
While You're “Thinking About It”…
…On a “no-risk,” trial basis. -Decide later if this is for you!
Leverage this “repeatable test success system” to reach your highest professional and personal aspirations faster and easier below.
Sample the 'score-popping' PANCE practice tests (WITHOUT obligation) right now.
FREE Bonus Gift – 7 Days of PANCE help included if you act right now!
You Must Take Action To Make Your Goals Happen.
–No One Else Can Do It For You!–
–No One Else Can Do It For You!–
You know, I put every detail (in writing) how PANCE test practice helps you pass and launch your new career.
BEFORE you send a message to our PANCE prep trainers whose time is currently devoted to registered clients: Please read each line above where the answer can be found.
1.) “Is it really as good as you say?”
You saw the Money Back guarantee. If it's not as good as I say or you don't pass, you get your money back.
This isn't a 'fly by night' website run by internet marketers. It's not another “outdated” PANCE book on Amazon or Barnes and Noble written by “so called experts” who never took the test they're teaching you about.
My team and I are former PANCE test takers and have been full-time professional test prep developers for over 14 years.
Your only risk is not using this.
2.) You say: “I don't want PANCE practice tests. I need to learn the material.”
You know by now, the FULL answer explanations actually 'teach you the content/material” much better than a study guide. Active learning in same medium of the exam (test questions) helps you learn the information much quicker and retain it longer (until test day)!
The PANCE test requires you to show you can APPLY your knowledge to various applications. — You ONLY develop this testing skill/increase your number of correct answers on the actual test by taking “PANCE practice test questions”…NOT by reading more books!

Still waiting for something?
You know, fireworks won't come flying out of this computer screen. I won't do backward summersaults.
If you need someone to 'take you by the hand' or a clever gimmick to 'jolt you' into action…you won't pass-the-PANCE or improve your life.
If you can't 'act now,' there's nothing I or anyone can do to help you pass-the-PANCE and succeed in life.
You must take action to pass-the-PANCE test and make your dreams a reality.
Analysis of paralysis, worrying whether this program is perfectly angled for your every last need vs taking action now is an artificial barrier you put up….
…It 'blocks you' from a passing PANCE score.
The Point Of The 100% Money Back Guarantee Is: There’s NO RISK
Stop ‘running across a mine field.' Don't go 'cheap' on PANCE practice tests/study guides and suffer painful regret later.
Seeking the cheapest-way to prepare for the most important exam in your life is a guaranteed recipe for failure.
Continuing to search more test prep websites and just fantasizing about a successful future NEVER helped anyone pass the PANCE and advance their career.
Stop losing the 'limited time' you need to get prepared!
Don't get hit by a train on exam day. Even if you try making up for lost time later, it dramatically reduces your chance of test success. -If you wait, you’ll run out of time later.
When you try other PANCE prep programs online and books from Barnes and Noble/Amazon.com and get stung, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Seize This ‘One-Time’ Opportunity Right Now!
Don’t suffer heart-crushing exam failure, regret and hate yourself later.
My team of former PANCE test takers and current prep trainers (who took your specific exam) and I bent over backwards to create your ‘Exam-Like’ PANCE Practice Test.
You see, we literally poured our blood, sweat and tears about how to pass-the-PANCE test into this program. (It's everything we discovered after tutoring, coaching and mentoring over 4,317 test takers to success over 5 years.)
AVOID all the common test prep mistakes that lead to failure on this test.
'Slingshot' yourself to a passing PANCE test score quicker and easier than you thought possible.
Order 'Exam-Like' PANCE Practice Tests right now!